The DGR days will take place in the main building (Hauptgebäude) of the Technische Universität Berlin.
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin
The best way to get to the TUB main building is described here. Below is a map, indicating public transportation (S-Bahn, U-Bahn, and bus). The conference venue is indicated by the letter "H" in the map.
Technical Sessions
The technical sessions will be held in the auditorium H 1058. This is in the old part of the main building, in the far left corner of the building if you entered through the main entrance off of Straße des 17. Juni. After you entered through the main entrance, take the concrete stair case to your right in front of the elevators. This will take you to the old part of the building. Walk to the far left corner to find H 1058. It is closest to the building "C" on the map below.
Coffee Breaks and Lunch
The coffee breaks and lunch will be held in the Lichthof, a big open space in the middle of the building with a headless statue of the Greek goddess Nike. You will pass it on your way to the technical session.
(c) TU Berlin, Abt. IV (see this link for details)